Mobile Dairy Farm

Students at Hominy Valley Elementary recently had a moooving experience from the Southland Mobile Dairy Classroom. Students had an up-close encounter with a farmer and special guest to learn where their milk comes from. The highlight of the day was Maple, a sweet cow who helped demonstrate the milking process for the students, showing them firsthand how milk is produced. 

Students at mobile dairy classroom
In addition to seeing Maple milked, the students learned about the vitamins and minerals in milk, as well as the importance of dairy farmers in supporting their communities. They also learned that Maple eats around 60-70 pounds of food and produces 5-7 gallons of milk daily. The experience helped the students make a direct connection between the farm and the milk they drink everyday. 

maple the cow being milked
The students were delighted to learn that Maple is the proud mother of three calves named Syrup, Butters, and Waffles. This fun fact added to the excitement of the day, helping the students make connections with the animals. 

Students at mobile dairy classroom

The students were encouraged to thank a farmer the next time they meet one for the hard work they do to provide food and milk every day. 

student at mobile dairy classroom
The Southland Mobile Dairy Classroom travels to schools to provide educational experiences about dairy farming and nutrition.