Title I: ESEA
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Title I funding began as a part of the Great Society Program of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 under the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act.) The intent of the law was to provide services to students who had needs that were not addressed in any other funding—those who were not handicapped but who were not working up to their grade placement. This law continued until 1980 when ECIA (Education Consolidation and Improvement Act) was enacted continuing the same basic provisions as ESEA. 1994 saw another change for this funding to IASA (Improving America’s Schools Act). The major changes to this legislation came in two forms: Allotting funding to schools on the basis of number of low-income students rather than number of those who could not read; and making selection of students more school based. Title I ESEA, was in operation from 1965-1980. Chapter I ECIA, was in operation from 1980-1994. Chapter 1 ECIA, became Title 1 IASA, in 1994. In the 2001 reauthorization Title I was referred to as “No Child Left Behind”.
As a parent of a student in a Title I elementary school, you have the right to know the professional qualification of the classroom teachers or paraprofessionals who instruct your child. Federal law, Parents Right-to-Know allows you to ask for this information from the school's principal. Contact the principal in writing if you would like to receive this information. The information will be provided within one week of your written request.
Parents Right to Know- Title I Schools
Buncombe County Title I Schools
Avery's Creek Elementary
BCS Virtual Academy
Barnardsville Elementary
Black Mountain Elementary
Black Mountain Primary
Candler Elementary
Charles C. Bell Elementary
Charles T. Koontz Intermediate
Emma Elementary
Enka Intermediate
Fairview Elementary
Haw Creek Elementary
Hominy Valley Elementary
Joe P. Eblen Intermediate
Johnston Elementary
Leicester Elementary
North Buncombe Elementary
North Windy Ridge
Oakley Elementary
Pisgah Elementary
Sand Hill-Venable Elementary
W.D. Williams Elementary
Weaverville Elementary
Weaverville Primary
West Buncombe Elementary
William W. Estes Elementary
Woodfin Elementary
For more information, please contact:
Jeanann Yates, Director of Federal Programs 828.255.5966
Cynthia Hutchins, Title I Literacy Coach 828.225.1134
Tara Conley, Title I Literacy Coach 828.255.5937
Juliana Wells, Title I Budget Specialist II 828.255.5965
Teresa Kagley, Title I Compliance Specialist 828.225.4773
Melissa Payne, Title I Purchasing Specialist 828.255.5968