Battle of the Books
Facilitator: Angela Woehl

Battle of the Books is a book program sponsored by the North Carolina School Library Media Association. The program strives to encourage elementary age students to stretch their reading skills, interests of genre, complexity of levels and volume of reading.
Each year the association publishes the list of books and teams form to battle, quiz bowl style, by answering questions with book title and author.
At NBES we strive to take this event to the next level by not only reading the books, but by deeply exploring the setting, message, tone and character development of each book. The competition questions are timed and teams confer before answering therefore our students must learn to collaborate and communicate efficiently. They must gel as a team and support each other. In this way BOB is so much more than the books.
The team is open to 4th graders by nomination of their current or previous teacher and is limited to 12 students.
This years titles are:
Shine on, Luz Veliz! by Rebecca Balcarcel
The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm
Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin
At the Bottom of the World by Bill Nye & Gregory Mone
The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead & Wendy Mass
Save Me a Seat by SArah Weeks & Gita Varadarajan