Elementary Battle of the Books & Battle of the Books Lite
Age/Grade Range:
Battle of the Books is open to any 4th-5th grade student.
Battle of the Books Lite (or “BOB, Jr.”) is open to any 3rd grade student.
Activity Description:
North Carolina Battle of the Books is a state-wide competition for 4th-12th grade students sponsored by the NC School Library Media Association. Elementary students read from a list of 15-16 titles that represent a variety of literary genres. Students compete in the spring semester in a quiz-bowl style competition against other elementary schools in Buncombe County Schools. Winning teams can advance to regional and state level competitions.
Oakley EBOB (Elementary Battle of the Books) is open to any 4th-5th grade student who likes to read. Copies of the books are available in the school library for check-out. Students who attend weekly meetings, read the minimum required number of books, and participate in competition practice are eligible to attend one of the BCS competition events. Students may read with the team even if they are not interested in competition.
Our focus at Oakley is: “Growing Avid Readers” - we run our fall sessions in Book Club format– reading, discussing, and enjoying books together. Our group of enthusiastic 4th and 5th graders make time in the mornings before school to talk about what they are reading and share what they are learning from their books, giving them a fun way to grow as readers, and incentive to read titles they might not have otherwise! Students may read independently, with family members, or listen to audiobooks– it all counts as reading!
Battle of the Books Lite, or “BOB, Jr., is for third grade students who may be interested in joining the team as 4th graders. The “Lite” list consists of 6 titles taken from the EBOB list. Students who read the minimum required titles and participate in weekly meetings are eligible to compete in an informal mock competition in the spring against other participating BCS elementary schools.
Our 2024-25 4th-5th grade team is coached by Melissa Murphy (Librarian), Sarah VonWilliamsen (Tech Teacher), and Anna Holbrook (EC Teacher).
Melissa Murphy (Melissa.Murphy@bcsemail.org)