Kinder Registration

It's that time of year where we start looking forward to welcoming in our new cohort of CC Bell kindergartners that will be here for the 2023-2024 school year! We wanted to provide you with information that will help in the enrollment process.

The link to online enrollment can be found here on the BCS webpage.  From here, use the Find Your School tool to make sure you live in the Bell district, access success stories about BCS, and visit the nutrition site. Once you are ready to complete enrollment, clink the Enroll Now link where you will find links to the online enrollment forms. If this is your first time completing an online enrollment for BCS, you will need to create an account.  If you have enrolled a student before, you will just need to log in. The forms should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.   

Once you've completed the online enrollment, it will be time to schedule your enrollment appointment here at Bell.  To do that, you can call us at 828-298-3789. If you prefer, any necessary documents can be sent by email, fax, mail, or dropped off here at school to:

Lisa Osborne, Information Specialist for Charles C Bell Bell Elementary School

90 Maple Springs Road Asheville, NC 28805

Phone 828-298-3789   and Fax 828-299-0685


The documents you will need to submit include: a copy of photo identification for parents/guardians, a copy of certified birth certificate, and proof of guardianship or any custody paperwork. We are also required to keep on file a copy of your child's up to date immunization records and a NC health assessment. Our school nurse will give more information about these requirements. And finally, we need two proofs of residency.  The first must be a utility bill and the second must be a mortgage statement, rental/lease agreement, deed or buyer’s agreement.  This BCS enrollment checklistmight help you as you navigate this process and please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Here are a few more things to know about Kindergarten enrollment.  Only legal parents or guardians may enroll a student.  A child must be 5 years old on or before August 31 of that school year.  Please take a moment to complete the free/reduced lunch application.  Our Title 1 funding is determined by the number of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Please complete this application even if you don’t think you will qualify.  It helps our school. 

Most importantly, please know how excited we are to meet your child and welcome your entire family to Bell! Please reach out if you have any questions about this process. We look forward to meeting you!